Un paradis verdoyant de plantes d’intérieur

Be enchanted by the luxurious garden world of Centre de Jardin Floréal!

Low-maintenance indoor plants for non-gardening enthusiasts

If it’s difficult for you to keep your plants alive, if you lack sunny spaces in your home, or if you have little time to devote to maintenance, these are certainly the plants for you: they need low sunlight and very little care.

Ten hardy houseplants requiring low light levels

Discover our different varieties

Indoor flowering plants for a touch of color and warmth

What could be more refreshing than adding a splash of color to a neutral décor that can seem rather monotonous? There are many kinds of houseplants that bloom several months of the year, such as peace lily, anthurium, and orchid. Centre de Jardin Floréal offers a wide selection of blooming houseplants that will seduce you at first sight. Discover a wide range of colorful flowers that will brighten up the interior of your home, even during the darkest months of the year.

Indoor flowering plants of all colors

Our in-store experts will give you all the advice you need to care for your indoor flowering houseplants

Large indoor plants

Besides being aesthetic and impressive, large indoor plants can have many positive effects on your life. Thanks to their large leaves, they act as lungs of sorts, improving the quality of the air in your home. They also create a relaxing, exotic atmosphere that promotes a general sense of well-being. What’s more, thanks to their size, they improve the sound in your rooms, which can sometimes be too echoey. If you’ve got the perfect space, don’t hesitate to buy one!

Different varieties of large indoor houseplants

Think big, and brighten up your home with our large tropical plants!

Hanging plants: A must for decorating your home

You want to add houseplants to your decor, but you’re short of space? You have young children or pets who like to come and admire them too closely? Hanging indoor vines or climbing plants such as pothos or spider plants are the ideal solution! If you’re not sure how to decorate your shelves, opt for hanging houseplants like string of pearls or succulents, which will add a touch of elegance to your room. Bathrooms, kitchens, living room or bedrooms, you can include these plants in any room you choose! Just let your imagination run wild!

Ten of the most beautiful indoor hanging plants

Visit our store to discover our selection of indoor climbing plants!

Cat-friendly indoor plants

Naturally, cats are particularly interested in plants, whether for chewing or simply to play with. However, it’s important to know that cats may react differently to certain plants because some varieties, such as ficus or philodendron, are toxic to them. If you have furry companions at home, opt instead for cat-friendly houseplants such as African violet or areca. The experts at Centre de Jardin Floréal will be happy to advise you. Here are two non-exhaustive lists of safe and toxic houseplants for your pets:

Cat-friendly indoor plants : African violet, Areca palm, Bamboo palm, Beaucarnea, Boston fern, Calathea, Dwarf palm, Epiphyllum anguliger, Hibiscus, Maranta, Money tree (Pachira aquatica), Orchid, Spider plant (Chlorophytum)

Indoor plants toxic for cats: Aloe vera, Azalea, Crassula, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Eucalyptus, Ficus, Ivy, Peace lily (Spathiphyllum), Philodendron, Pothos , Sanseviera

Feel good about creating a healthy environment for your felines with Centre de Jardin Floréal located in Laval!

Pests in your houseplants: What to do?

No matter how much time and love you devote to your houseplants, small intruders sometimes make themselves at home. If you notice white or grayish spots on the foliage, webs, or dry leaves, it’s most likely the presence of insects and pests. Aphids, thrips, fungus gnats, spider mites, and mealybugs are the main intruders that can cause damage to your plants. It’s crucial to take a proactive, targeted approach to this problem. Don’t worry, our in-store advisors are experts in this field and know all the products, tips, and tricks to help you. You may also refer to our article “Common Houseplant Insects,” which will certainly clarify the subject for you. Don’t wait: we’re here to save your beautiful plants!


An impressive variety of tropical household plants, a wide choice of ceramic and terra-cotta pots, lights specially designed for your plants, quality potting soil, and expert advisers, all you need for a unique experience!

Come and discover the green oasis of Centre de Jardin Floréal, and let yourself be charmed by its lively, exotic decor!

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